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STD Testing Specialist

WHASN Sunset Valley

Obstetrics & Gynecology located in Las Vegas, NV

In 2016 there were 1.59 million cases of chlamydia in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In Las Vegas, Nevada, WHASN Sunset Valley provides quality STD testing for patients in the local communities. Some sexually transmitted diseases don’t show any symptoms, and if left untreated, they can lead to infertility and other complications. STD testing should be an integral part of your preventive healthcare. Call or book your STD test online.

STD Testing Q & A

What is a sexually transmitted disease?

A sexually transmitted disease, or STD, is a disease that’s typically contracted via sexual activity. No matter your sex or sexuality, engaging in sexual activity without adequate protection can result in an STD.

Some STDs, such as hepatitis, can be transmitted without sexual contact, by coming into contact with the blood of an infected person. Identifying an STD early reduces your chances of complications developing.

While no method is foolproof, there are many effective protective methods available. Your New Beginnings provider can discuss the available options.

What are some of the most common STDs?

Some of the most common STDs include:

  • Genital warts
  • Genital herpes
  • Hepatitis — viral infections that affect your liver
  • Chlamydia — a bacterial infection of the genital tract
  • HIV — human immunodeficiency virus, a viral infection that attacks your immune system
  • Gonorrhea — a bacterial infection of the genital tract that can also grow in the throat, mouth, anus, and eyes
  • Trichomoniasis — a common STD caused by a microscopic single-celled parasite that typically infects the urinary tract or vagina

What happens during an STD test?

If you’re sexually active and have multiple partners, it’s especially important that you get regular STD tests.

The New Beginnings specialists provide comprehensive STD testing to check for a range of common STDs. At your initial consultation, your New Beginnings specialist creates a customized treatment plan for you to decide on the most appropriate methods of testing.

There are multiple STD testing methods available, including:

  • Swabs
  • Biopsies
  • Blood tests
  • Visual exam
  • Urine samples

What are the benefits of STD testing?

Professional testing for STDs is a great way to take care of your sexual health. STD testing is efficient and safe, and it can be performed quickly in the office.

Regular STD testing can protect your reproductive and general health. Some sexually transmitted diseases don’t show any symptoms and can only be detected through an STD test. If some STDs are left untreated, they can impact your fertility.

There are some tests you can take at home, but professional testing is most effective and gives you the valuable support of a medical specialist with extensive knowledge regarding sexually transmitted diseases.

Talk to your New Beginnings provider about STD testing and how to protect your reproductive and sexual wellness. Conveniently book online or call the office to make your appointment.