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Minimally Invasive Surgery Specialist

WHASN Sunset Valley

Obstetrics & Gynecology located in Las Vegas, NV

Modern advancements in minimally invasive surgery have revolutionized the world of gynecological surgery and consequently, the quality of healthcare that women can receive. In Las Vegas, Nevada, the WHASN Sunset Valley specialists utilize the latest tools and technology to provide a range of minimally invasive surgeries at the Southern Hills Hospital and the San Martin Hospital in Las Vegas. There are countless benefits to minimally invasive procedures, including less downtime and far fewer risks. Learn more about your options by visiting the skilled New Beginnings providers. Call or click to book online.

Minimally Invasive Surgery Q&A

How does minimally invasive surgery work?

New Beginnings offers minimally invasive gynecological surgeries at the Southern Hills Hospital and the San Martin Hospital in Las Vegas.
Surgeons can now perform more precise and efficient procedures using the advancements of the latest technology and techniques in minimally invasive surgeries.

Some of the minimally invasive gynecological surgeries the women’s health experts at New Beginnings OB-GYN perform include:

  • Endometriosis resection
  • Removal of ovarian cysts
  • Removal of pelvic adhesions
  • Certain early gynecological cancer treatments
  • Myomectomy — the surgical removal of fibroids
  • Hysterectomy — the surgical removal of the uterus
  • Sacrocolpopexy — the surgical procedure to repair pelvic organ prolapse

Your specialist may also use minimally invasive surgical tools and techniques to diagnose a gynecological condition such as endometriosis.
The New Beginnings surgeons operate through a few small incisions while achieving efficient results and little to no downtime for you.

Who is a good candidate for minimally invasive surgery?

To be a good candidate for minimally invasive surgery, you have to be cleared by your New Beginnings provider, but most patients are good candidates. Many gynecological problems can be treated with minimally invasive surgery, but in some cases, an alternative option might be necessary. Your provider at New Beginnings will go over your options for treatment and whether minimally invasive surgery is the best solution for your health needs.

What are the benefits of minimally invasive surgery?

Though any type of surgery comes with some amount of risk, the women’s health specialists at New Beginnings OB-GYN prefer minimally invasive surgery to traditional open surgery because of the many benefits it offers you.

Minimally invasive surgery techniques don’t involve open surgery with a large single incision. Rather, it involves a few very small incisions that cause minimal scarring. This means your surgical procedure may be conducted in the outpatient setting or only require a very short hospital stay.
Some minimally invasive procedures, such as an endometrial ablation for heavy menstrual bleeding, are performed at the office.

Other benefits of minimally invasive surgery include:

  • Shorter recovery time
  • Less post-surgical pain
  • Minimal blood loss
  • Lower risk of infection
  • Less risk of surgical-related complications

You can also expect to get back to your usual activities a lot sooner after your minimally invasive procedure.

Visit New Beginnings OB-GYN to discuss whether minimally invasive surgery is the right choice for you. Call or schedule your consultation online today.