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Adolescent/Teenage Care Specialist

WHASN Sunset Valley

Obstetrics & Gynecology located in Las Vegas, NV

Gynecological care is important through all phases of life, beginning in adolescence. In Las Vegas, Nevada, WHASN Sunset Valley treats women from puberty through post-menopause and provides individualized preventive care screenings, testing, and counseling and education on sexual and reproductive health. Give your adolescent the best chance at optimal reproductive health with premium gynecological care from New Beginnings. Call or book online.

Adolescent/Teenage Care Q & A

What is adolescent gynecological care?

Adolescent gynecological care is important and sometimes overlooked. As your child reaches puberty and transitions through adolescence, gynecological care can be especially beneficial for her health.

The first gynecology visit is recommended between age 13 and 15, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. The main goal of the first gynecology visit is to provide preventive healthcare services, including medical guidance and educational information.

Even if adolescents don’t have any complaints or concerns, adolescent gynecological care can be greatly beneficial to protect a developing reproductive system and dispel any myths or confusion surrounding sexual health.

At New Beginnings OB-GYN, a female physician’s assistant treats adolescents to help them to feel more comfortable. Individualized care is essential, since each adolescent is unique and the growth in any developmental area — physical, psychosocial, or cognitive — might not necessarily correlate with chronological age.

What’s involved in adolescent gynecological care?

The initial adolescent reproductive health visit depends on the individual, but it typically involves a medical history and a relevant age-appropriate discussion. Your adolescent's New Beginnings provider reviews her medical history, family medical history, and immunization status, and she may administer certain screenings, vaccinations, and tests.

The family medical history is particularly important to help assess your adolescent’s risk of certain chronic diseases. The medical guidance and education are centered around menstruation, what’s normal and abnormal, sexually transmitted diseases, and other important aspects of sexual health.

The initial visit doesn’t have to include an internal pelvic examination, unless recommended for a certain medical reason. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend the first internal pelvic exam at age 21.

Depending on the adolescent’s comfort, health, risks, age, and other factors, a general examination, a visual breast examination, and an external pelvic examination might be recommended. Certain STD tests might also be recommended depending on your adolescent’s sexual activity level and risks.

What are the benefits of adolescent gynecological care?

Adolescent gynecological care allows adolescents to develop a relationship with a provider they can feel comfortable discussing their most intimate concerns with.

By performing pelvic exams or STD tests, the New Beginnings team can also detect certain conditions and diseases that might have otherwise gone unnoticed. Finally, your teen will gain valuable education and counseling on sexual and reproductive health.

For compassionate gynecological care for adolescents, call the Las Vegas office or schedule an appointment here on the website.